Save Smarter with Free Trademark Search

Secure your brand with our best package deals. Get your Trademark searched today!

Federal & State

Only $149

Protect your business with a trademark search across the USPTO and 50 States. Get thorough reports of similar trademarks in each relevant class & sub-class.

Federal, State &
Common Law

Only $299

Want to know if anyone is infringing on your mark before registering? This package covers Federal, State & Common Law to ensure you have the best protection available.

Search Trademark

Only $499

This search includes Federal, State, and Common Law data plus international sources such as Canada, the U.K, the E.U., and WIPO, providing legal info to help you make informed decisions.

Avoid Registration Hassles in 3 Easy Steps

Save time and effort with our straightforward trademark search process


Answer Some Questions

In this step, all you do is fill out a quick survey and give us some basic information about your brand. Don't worry - it won't take long!


Trademark Search

Our specialists utilize our cutting-edge AI search algorithm to thoroughly search for trademarks, providing you with reliable results.


Final Delivery

After comprehensive testing, our trademark search process provides you with error-free reports, all of which are sent directly to you via email.

Why Choose Us?

With accuracy and speed unmatched by humans, our AI-powered search technology is unparalleled when it comes to identifying potential conflicts. Our algorithm can process thousands of searches per hour, ensuring nothing escapes detection with pinpoint precision.

Our skilled Search Experts utilize an advanced algorithm to guarantee you don't squander your valuable time and money on an already-taken trademark. We provide detailed and thorough searches, so you get the most successful results.

  • Advanced comprehensive search
  • 240 Trademark Database
  • Complete Common Law Coverage

Free Trademark Search FAQs

  • What is a Trademark Search Report?

    A Trademark Search Report is a comprehensive report that includes results related to a trademark search. It's useful for individuals or businesses looking to register a trademark and want to know everything about availability or similar marks.

  • Why Trademark Search is important?

  • What if someone has a similar mark?

  • Should you conduct a Trademark Search?

  • How much does it cost?

Are You Ready to Get It Trademarked?

Act fast and get your name registered before someone else does!


starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.


starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.