Get Your Trademark Registered in 3 Easy Steps

Protect your intellectual property with a fast and hassle-free process.


Answer a Few Questions

To get your registration started, fill out a simple form and provide the necessary details regarding your brand.


Trademark Search

Our professionals conduct comprehensive searches so that you can move forward without any conflicts.


Application Filing with USPTO

We take some steps to ensure that your application is error-free before submitting it to the USPTO for approval.

Is Trademark Registration Worth it?

A trademark gives your brand the exclusive right to use a name, and registration ensures that legal recognition of that right is in place.


Own Copyrights

It protects your brand from being copied by others and enables you to stand out from the competition.


Build Competitive Edge

Companies can strengthen brand reputation, inspire loyalty and ensure long-term success.



It allows you to acquire permits for business growth so that you can expand your business globally.

Why Are Trademark Searches Important?

The USPTO reports that nearly 20% of applications are denied due to similarity with an existing mark. Keep your brand name from rejection with a trademark search.


Save Time

It protects your business from potential legal complications in the future by avoiding time-consuming processes.


Save Money

Filing and registration can be costly. Make sure you don’t waste your resources by conducting a trademark search first.


Avoid Rejection

It can help ensure the uniqueness of your business and reduce the risk of potential legal conflicts and rejection.


Find Our Best Budget-Friendly Options

Secure the future of your business by getting it registered at affordable rates.

Most Popular




All basic features plus:
  • Cease and desist letter
  • Transfer and assignment letter
  • 6 months of trademark monitoring
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Free trademark consultancy




Key Features:
  • Federal USPTO direct-hit search
  • Application preparation by experts
  • Digitalization and formatting of trademark designs
  • 1 month of trademark monitoring




All standard features plus:
  • 1 year of trademark monitoring
  • 24-hour expedited processing
  • Comprehensive trademark search
  • Dedicated project lead
  • Free trademark consultancy

See What Our Clients Have to Say


Trademark is a company that can surely be relied on. They helped us get our trademark registered for our brand. In addition, I approached their monitoring service, and the results have been impressive. Thank you!

Max Brooks Assistant Manager at Metroplex

Brent made the trademark search report process very easy for me. He’s very efficient and effective in his work, providing detailed and balanced analysis. He ensured that my trademark was distinct and consulted us every step of the way.

Ria Matthew CEO at Café Click

The service was quick and hassle-free, and all of my questions were answered promptly. I found Trademark Gen to be sincere, honest, and efficient in handling copyright registration and drafting an immaculate office action response.

Martha Tran President at Curious

Trademark Registration FAQs

  • What is a Trademark?

    Trademark registration offers exclusive nationwide rights to use your company's brand names, slogans, and logos. Without permission from the rightful owner, no other seller can sell products with their trademarks without risking legal action. Registering a trademark is the best way to ensure that your brand remains legally and exclusively yours.

  • How a Trademark can be removed from the register?

  • Who is eligible to apply for a Trademark?

  • What does legal protection for a Trademark owner imply?

  • Can we register a Trademark for a logo or a company name?

Are You Ready to Get It Trademarked?

Act fast and get your name registered before someone else does!


starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.


starting at $49 only

Register your trademark and save yourself from the risk of losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits and rebranding efforts.